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Thursday, October 14, 2010

Muttly , meteorstorm.. Thats just not right!

Hey chos ,
Today i just logged on chobots .. ( friday atlong last! ) And I saw Meteorstorm and Muttly saying mean things about Cyberkid97! I think this is just so mean :/
I mean , if i heard someone talking about me like that.. My heart would be Crushed!
I would probably think about quitting chobots aswell. Well now i have some proof! So here you go!
Have a good weekend! :D


♫♪☆↘Breeezyy↙☆♫♪ said...

But Meteorstorm is waaaaay more meaner.

♫♪Beautiful♫♪ said...

Thats what im trying to proove!

Muttski said...

7249 we are being mean to him because he was mean to us. treat others how you want to be treated.

♫♪Beautiful♫♪ said...

@ Muttly ,
How in which way was Cyberkid being mean to you??
And actually I like the way I'm being treated right now so uhmm.. Dont tell me what to do.

Nishant said...

o.O i jsut checked this blog out
SEE this is how meteor keeps being mean to me
First she says im unlocked and sojoku WHICH IM NOT
Then she says i date a chobot name jojo just cause that chobot thinks im right
Here is how this fight started:
my best friend was telling a chobot not to date and then meteor storm goes to my best friend and tells him not to date so i went and told her not to say it THATS ALL
then the next day darpanking comes and tells me some bad things(like calling me a dog) so i obviously got angry
AND why is she comparing me with her drawings when i don't care whose is good or not STOP THAT METEOR ITS ANNOYING, thanks 7429 for showing me this picture :P
Muttly u should really stay out of this cause its none of your buisness u fake game creator
Muttly created a fake game where me,katya710,mimp,dragonflys and yianman were working he told us to make many designs and wasted our time and finally we all find out that his game (Muttbots) is a fake.
According to me meteorstorm and muttly are being mean to me


